On the road to the magnificent foods (and buttery baking) of Canada!
A local speciality in Wakefield...the Québecoise-- filled with berries and laden with butter.
Seeing is Believing!
Okay...so here we go. My son Mark just finished harvesting last year's broccoli from their garden! No shelter needed. We're having it for dinner! The sun's out, hence the rainbow.
For about three decades I've been on a quest to discover...to really pin down...the essence of Canadian cuisine. For years it seemed to be a moving target. Now, finally, I've eaten and traveled widely enough to share insights and tastes and experiences.
My education was like so many others, through sometimes-raw, sometimes star-blessed experience and lots of love. I have come to the realizaton that there's no mystery to cooking...one just needs the secret ingredient of love. Great cooks listen to their hearts.
Here you'll get opinions, read about some very special places and taste the pure sensual pleasure of our country.