At CharCut, Calgary's new meaty, hot spot, there is no getting away from it. Being a carnivore rules. The pigs head mortadella is spiked with pistachios and truffles. The shaved lamb ham has been cured and 'slowly aged' before being topped with grated Gruyere. Crispy chicken skin makes it to the menu in a salad with buttermilk dressing. A heart stopping version of poutine is smothered in truffle gravy. Mains are char-boiled and wood-smoked. Butchering is done on site and hung till tender and perfect. Attention to flavour, locale and detail continues to dessert...saskatoon berries are layered with cheesecake in a small Mason jar. Cookie crunch gelato are served in sea salt sugar cones and if you crave chocolate, the cookies are still warm when they're served along side, what else, a tiny mint/vanilla milkshake. MMMmmmm....
Details: CharCut is on 9th Avenue in Hotel Le Germain.